Category Archives: Churches

Comments and questions about the church from God’s perspective, the perspective of our culture and my own experience over the past 53 years.

Stillness & Perspective on Life


Psalms 46:10-11 – “He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.”

These are not tentative assertions of a timid and weak God who stands on the sidelines with folded arms. These are the declarations of a mighty, powerful, Sovereign Lord who, even now, is working out His will in His creation for His purposes. Standing outside of time and space (since He created them!) His timing is perfect and His power is absolute. Lord, be glorified in all of the earth! Amen.

Isaiah 40:15 describes God’s rule over the nations of the earth with expressions like ‘drops in a bucket’ and ‘dust on the scales.’  What kind of God is this that governs the fates of the nations with the same energy as when he blows the dust off of the scales of judgement?

One of the contrasts that still leaves me dumbfounded after reading a passage like this is the image of Christ washing the disciple’s feet in John 13.  In verses 3-5 John writes the following analysis: “Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power,and that he had come from God and was returning to God;  so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist.  After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.”

What kind of God is this that blows the dust of nations from the scales yet stoops to wash the dirty feet of men?  Who could imagine such a thing?

These are thoughts worthy of being still to consider in the quiet moments of the day.



“My soul is downcast within me; therefore I will remember you.” (Psalms 42:6)

Brokenness.  There is a direct relationship between my brokenness and my expectations.

It amazes me how many times I turn to the Lord when my world seems to be falling apart; and how few are the times I turn to Him when everything seems to be going great! The connection between the two is unmistakable. Our God is the one who meets us in our deepest despair; i.e., broken, contrite, poor in spirit.

In my personal experience, this happens when I have to adjust my expectations that fall into three realms.

First, the most obvious is the physical.  My expectation is that I will be the exception to the laws of nature.  I can go against the grain and ‘cheat the hangman,’ or ‘beat the odds.’  Recently I have discovered that my 55 year old body will no longer function as it did when I was 21.  My expectations about my physical abilities must adjust; but, that transition often comes at a cost.  Pressing my body beyond its present tolerances can have lasting effects on places like backs, shoulders and arms.  Risks I took as a younger man are now out of the question because I know what can happen when expectations are shattered by reality.

Second, my expectations about myself is challenged.  This one is related to the first but is a little different.  This one deals with emotional stress.  I believe that I can deal with emotional pain and control in a healthy way.  In fact, it is when I think that I can dance around the flames of temptations that I have found myself sucked right into the flames of the fire.  There are some things that I will never do because, based upon past experience, I might get sucked in once again and pulling out is so, so hard to do.  A recent video series by Andy Stanley entitled Guardrails is a great tool for challenging our expectations and assumptions about our limitations.

Third, my expectations about others is challenged.  Sometimes I let myself believe the best in some people when wisdom would dictate that I should use more caution.  Stated succinctly, people let us down.  Usually it is in the smallest things that barely blip on our radar that are easily forgotten, simply forgiven and written off as being human.  But, on occasion, there have been the crushing realizations that rock my world so much that I risked falling into despair.  Some people do not deserve your trust, faith and confidence; sometimes you recognize those people instantly  and take immediate evasive action.  Then there are those other times when you let your guard down, look past the red flags and choose to trust and, in the end, your expectations are totally, completely and  absolutely decimated beyond repair.  Psalms 41:9 talks about the psalmist’s close friend whom he trusted turning against him.  Just ask someone crushed in a ‘messy divorce’ or a ‘frivolous lawsuit.’

I’m sure that there are other expectations that can sidetrack us but the end result of all of them is brokenness from the lesser to the greater degree.  My expectations were thus-and-so but this is what has happened and now my reality is…not…what…I…had…expected.  The striving for predictability and control is an illusion that is sometimes taken to the wall.  Sometimes the Lord allows the hedges of protection to fall (cf., Job 1:10).  At times like those we will be challenged to learn, in the end, how little control we truly have over our bodies, our emotions or our friends.  Our expectations will undergo a realignment through brokenness.  Hopefully, after weighing alternatives and considering the anchors of our life, we learn how to live realistically in a world that seems to be designed to challenge our expectations.  

Indeed, the man who discovers these principles in life without having to have his hedges pulled down is truly blessed.  What we learn in the Christian faith experience is that this state of brokenness is where I should be even when things are going great.  For example, it is the ‘poor in spirit’ of Matthew 5:3 who will see the kingdom of heaven. This is not referring to an event; it is referring to a state of being.  I believe that it is when we discover our brokenness that we find a God who is willing to meet us there to help us find healing and to restore hope, realigning our expectations to His agenda, His mercies, His control.

There is no other posture that is appropriate before our great Sovereign Lord. As Isaiah 57:15 states: “For this is what the high and exalted One says— he who lives forever, whose name is holy: “I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.””




“But as for me, I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me.” (Psalm 40:17)

Usually when I think of myself as “poor and needy” it is because I have done something terribly wrong made a bad decision, messed up big time, or fallen short once again.  I feel broken, impoverished, foolish, heartbroken.  I feel the need to be rescued and pulled to safety.  I have no where else to turn and I want to give up.

David must have just had one of those moments when he wrote this psalm…maybe the Lord will remember me in spite of me seems to be implied.  On the other hand, what if a person learns the art of living humbly, acknowledging a constant state of poverty?  Could this be what Jesus meant when He spoke of the “poor in spirit” in Matthew 5:3?

It does seem to me that humility is a necessary ingredient to getting along in life.  It certainly has an impact upon getting along with people.  For instance, there is a huge difference between a person who is humble because of low self-esteem verses someone who has every right to be proud and even arrogant, yet, they choose to take the one-down position.

An important way to illustrate humility is the principle that is critical to marital communication: to seek to understand before insisting upon being understood.  Taking the time to listen and fully grasp what another human being is saying both honors the other person and it keeps in check our own desire to be heard.  This is one of those skills…it seems to me…that we could use just a little more of in our world.



Business Executives Sitting in the Airport

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. (Ps. 27:14)

Passages like this always mystify me: “How is waiting on the Lord a sign of strength?”

So often I feel weak when I wait and I often chastise myself for waiting in the wrong line, waiting too long on hold, waiting for news…waiting.  It really stinks to have to wait, especially when it is for something I don’t want to know, or do, see or hear!

Then there is the good kind of waiting that fills me with anticipation.  Times like this are when I am waiting for the bride to come down the aisle, a family member to arrive on the airplane, dinner to come out of the oven or for anticipated good news.  Waiting can be an exciting thing, filled with anticipation.

At other times there is the agony of hesitation before making a decision.  The more significant the consequences, the more anxious we tend to become.  Especially when we are empowered to make choices that will speed the decision along we find that words like prudence and discernment rule when we would much rather move by impulse and follow our instincts.

We respect those who can make quick decisions when their instincts seem to lead to good outcomes.  When others make quick decisions and the consequences are negative we conclude that they are rash or hasty.  Sometimes the reality is that it is dependent upon the luck of the draw or one’s ability to quickly assess the probabilities for success.

Perhaps the emphasis in this passage is not so much on the first part: waiting.  I think the most important point is the “on the Lord” part.  We will wait, whether or not we appeal to the Lord for the wisdom to make the best possible choices.  Waiting is something every sentient being will do.  It is the waiting upon the Lord part that makes this insight leap off of the page.

I think I’ve decided that it takes great resolve and internal fortitude to resist the temptation to take the reigns to do it my way by myself and, rather, to choose to wait…on…the…Lord.  I have found that it really does take strength and courage to wait.  But, for the believer, even this strength and courage is not from within; it is a gift from God built upon years of practice.

A great paradox of life: “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong (2 Cor. 12:9-10).

What an incredible feedback loop!  He gives me the strength and courage to wait on Him to make the way clear so that I can trust His faithfulness so that I can become stronger and more courageous to wait on Him….

Wow! What an adventure!

Peace In The Storms of Life

Jesus Calms the Storm

That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”  (Mark 4:35-41, NIV)

I have always loved the way the writers of the New Testament juxtaposed the humanity of Christ with His Sovereign nature.   Exhausted from a day of teaching, healing, traveling sandy shores and rocky pathways when He gets to the end of the day Jesus collapses on the cushion on the boat and falls fast asleep.  So deep is His sleep in the gently rocking boat with the oars’ rhythmic motion through the water that He simply does not notice when the boat begins to rock and roll.

Suddenly the storm clouds come up and funnel down directly onto the little boat that carries Jesus and His disciples to the other side.  Waves break over the sides and water begins to fill the boat.

And Jesus sleeps.

We know that Peter, Andrew, James and John were seasoned fishermen who had seen this before but what about the rest of the disciples?  I wonder if Matthew the tax collector had ever been in a boat in a storm?  What about Thaddeus, or Nathaniel, James or Judas?

As the boat fills with water you can hear the fishermen asking, “How many buckets on the boat for bailing water?  None? Well, use your hands cupped together and bail as fast as you can! The water is supposed to be outside of the boat.  Once it gets inside it is all over.  We need all hands bailing water out of the boat.

And Jesus sleeps.

Hey!  Where is Jesus!? He’s asleep at the stern of the boat!   In this storm?!  Wake Him up, now!

The storm was bad enough that all of them had fallen into terrified, abject fear: “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” was the cry of desperation.   To this point the story is about men in a boat caught in a storm desperate to survive.  Forget about getting to the other side.  This is a battle for living to see another day.

And then they wake Jesus…and everything changes.

We move from a simple story of survival to an event of overwhelming, commanding power when Jesus speaks: “Quiet.  Be still.” and the rain stops, the clouds break apart, the wind dies, the waves collapse and the sun breaks through and, Mark tells us, it became completely calm.

Imagine the twelve disciples standing in the boat, water up to their knees, the sides just above the water’s surface, drenched with robes dripping, hair strung over their eyes, panting, hands at their sides…mouths wide open…speechless.

This story confronts us with the question of belief in the way that Mark seamlessly reports on both the humanity and the divinity of Christ. Exhausted, Jesus collapses in His humanity to sleep…just like we do when we are tired to the bone…and, when He rises, He calmly issues a few brief commands and the storm evaporates and disappears.  No one does that except God Himself.  No other explanation needed.  No expansion of the story required.  Just the facts.  Jesus speaks and all nature obeys.

“Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Jesus asks.

stormcloudsAgain, no other explanation needed.  Just the facts.  Jesus knew He was here to accomplish God’s purpose which was not to drown in a storm in the middle of a lake.  When you know that there is a greater purpose that drives you forward you don’t sweat the small stuff.   Mark tells us that when they realized who Jesus was, they were terrified.

Peter says it well in 2 Peter 1:14-18 – “For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.”

The Storms of Life

I believe there is a reason why this one story fills early Christian art and symbolism.  There is something about being in a boat in a storm that resonates within our humanity.  And there is something about the words of Jesus that takes our storms and brings us peace.

In fact, one unnoticed detail in Mark’s account is the other boats that were with Him.  Why include that simple detail?   There were others…

…were they in the storm too? Or were they watching the drama unfold from a distance.

…what was their reaction when they saw the impact of Jesus’ words as the storm stopped and it became completely calm.

…who were they? How many boats were there?  Did they make it to the other side, too?


Mark just mentions that there were other boats traveling with them.

These are the details that betray an eyewitness account; but, they also open the door to powerful metaphors for talking about matters of faith when times are tough.  Some interesting questions emerge that would be interesting to ponder….

Which ones come to your mind?



Theophilos: Lover of God

bibleA new tier has been added to my menus at the top of the screen to help me organize the blogs I’ve written over the last year.  Most of it si pretty self-explanatory except for one of the titles: theophilos.  The word is actually Greek in origin and, as far as I know, it appears twice in the Bible in two books authored by the same author, Luke the physician (Luke 1;3; Acts 1:1).

In Greek it is actually two words put together.  The first is Theos which means “God’ and the second is Philos which means, ‘love.’  Put together the word is ‘lover of God’ much like Philadelphia means lover of men, philosophy means lover of wisdom, and theology means the study of God.

Anyway, that title, Theophilos, is meant to indicate that the topic under that heading are mostly focused upon God, the Bible, and things oriented towards faith.  Religious faith plays such a major role in the choices we make and the paths we follow, the values that guide us and the principles that set our moral compass.  Having served in churches for 30 years, I plan to place many of my studies in that section for those who may find them of interest.

The key is that my adventure into building up my WordPress website has taken an interesting turn lately and it is challenging me to expand my knowledge base in computers, web hosting, and more.  It is a good discipline that I am enjoying learning, filled with frustrations, roadblocks and hurdles that give great satisfaction when conquered or which have adapted to my way of thinking that they should be done.

Which got me to thinking…theologically, of course…that designing a website and maintaining it is kind-of like life….  Maybe I’ll save that for another time.  I guess I just felt like the name or word Theophilos was worth defining and there you have it.

Family Setbacks

One of the real family tragedies of our culture today is the loss of community.  Alvin Toffler in his book Future Shock, among other futurists, had predicted that as our world became more connected electronically we would become more isolated; burrowing was a term often used.  Content with television, the internet and our electronic entertainment combined with a fear of the world ‘out there’ families would become increasingly isolated from each other..

With the loss of community comes a loss of connectedness that was commonplace only a generation or two ago.

I was reminded of this dynamic recently when we noticed that a family’s home in our neighborhood had a large white sticker on the front picture window.

We also noticed that a professional company was mowing the grass; they had always done it themselves.

A carpet cleaning company pulled up to the house one day and a roofing company delivered shingles a few days later.  The lights are out at night.  Nobody home.


It happens every day in neighborhoods all over southeastern Michigan as a microcosm of a national tragedy.  For any number of reasons from unemployment to divorce or debilitating illnesses, families find themselves in houses that they can no longer afford to maintain.

Families uprooted, displaced, transitioning, struggling, suffering.  How many times have we seen the sudden transitions in our own neighborhoods over the last several years without warning.  One day a family is there; the next day they are gone.  They just packed up and left for who-knows-where.

These things don’t happen overnight.  Usually they are preceded by months of discussions with lawyers, bank representatives, real estate agents, families and friends.  Done quietly in late night discussions, morning coffee and afternoon consultations.

Then, with all options exhausted, the deadline finally arrives and they’re gone.  The tragedy is that, as neighbors, no one knows what happened.

One of the really encouraging trends in churches today is the emphasis upon small groups and people becoming salt and light in their own neighborhoods.  One innovative approach worth noting was identified by Randy Frazee, the pulpit minister of the Oak Hill Church in San Antonio, Texas.  In his book Making Room for Life, he advocates a simpler, more organic type of family lifestyle that seeks to help people connect with the people who live next door, down the street in the neighborhood.

The reality is that to connect with each other requires determined effort and a conscious decision to leaven our immediate communities with neighborly care and concern.  In churches we call this a moving away from attracting people to our church buildings and focusing more upon helping our people think more like missionaries to their neighbors and fellow workers; i.e., being missional.

The effect of this realignment in lifestyle is that we know when families are struggling and, as good neighbors, we can rally other neighbors to care for one another, to celebrate the victories together and to mourn losses together.

Key word: together.


Family Health and Self-Differentiated Leadership

The concept of self-differentiation is a key concept in family systems theory and it is a valuable tool for assessing the health of a family as children age.  More than self-actualization as the apex of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, this has more to how a person relates to parents, siblings and extended family members.  In other words, rather than being about the development of the individual, self- differentiation actually looks at how one functions within a family’s system.

Whenever we encounter times of turbulence and crisis we look for someone with a cool head and clear sense of direction to lead us through the choices we need to make.  Indeed, we look for someone who knows what they are doing so that we can trust them to act independently of popular sentiment, political pressure or the fickleness of public opinion.  When a person’s track record reinforces that he or she has made good choices in the past we tend to trust them as we move through the times of challenge and opportunity.

The concept of Self-Differentiation in Bowen Family Systems Therapy identifies this person in multiple settings beginning in the family.  Stated briefly, individual health in a family system is contingent upon a person’s ability to “separate thought and emotion and to act mindfully rather than in reaction.”  A person who exhibits self-differentiation within the family engages with family members without losing a sense of personal identity and the ability to function independently.

This aspect of family nurturing that straddles between the pressures to conform and the decision to foster independence and freedom is naturally a part of child rearing.  Indeed, the family that fosters a healthy tension between ‘holding on’ and ‘letting go’ is in the process of helping their adolescent, for example, exist as a part of the family while also preparing him or her for entry into the world as an adult.  That very independence, however, can bite back when children make choices that go against the values and norms of the family.  Especially in times of crisis the centripetal forces for the independent individual to fuse back into the family structures can be overwhelming.  The self-differentiated individual learns the best level at which to engage their family while, at the same time, protect their sense of self.

Beyond the family, this principle of self-differentiation carries weight in a variety of circumstances within organizations as well.  True leaders learn the distinction between their own principles and values, those of the group within which they function and the shared objectives that bring everyone’s strengths together to accomplish a goal.  When those principles and values are not clearly defined and communicated, the struggle of the group becomes much more complicated and vulnerable to lesser common denominators such as power and control.  This concept of self-differentiation has always intrigued me as I contemplate the apostle John’s observation about Jesus in John 2:24-25: “But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person.”

The following video is a helpful tool for appreciating self-differentiation and its power for the functioning of the leader within a group or organization.

The systems theories that underpin the training and experience of the Marriage and Family Therapist can be a useful tool to churches and organizations as they struggle through the inevitable challenges and opportunities that will emerge.

Family Counseling & Points of Encounter

Our histories are important in family counseling.  They highlight encounter points that have shaped who we are today, contributing to our present beliefs and expectations.

“Then Jesus went back across the Jordan to the place where John had been baptizing in the early days. There he stayed….” (John 10:40).

Touching base with those points of personal encounters with God provide places along the road maps of our lives as we walk in faith.  When Jacob witnessed the ladder to heaven he raised a stone to commemorate the  event and called the place Bethel (Genesis 28:10-32).

I believe that Jesus found those points of contact to be valuable to Him.  We, also, can know more about ourselves as we review our own history and experiences.

Though we cannot re-live our past there is value in remembering those times when God stepped into our awareness and made the way clear.

Those points of encounter can come at special times such as the day you said, “I do!” or with the birth of your first child…or at a time of personal tragedy when you had nowhere else to turn except to God.  The events of 9/11 provided a touch point for a nation as well for each of us personally.

The key: never forget those points along the way!  They have a way of setting our compasses for the road ahead.

What’s Right With The Church?

Library of Celcius, Ephesus

What’s right with the church?  In Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus he makes three logical points that challenge us today.

Step One: Appreciate What God Has Done For You Through Jesus Christ (Chapters 1-3).  Paul is referring to God’s resurrection power that brought Jesus from the tomb and that is now at work in us as we are presently seated with Christ in God’s throne room (Eph. 2:6).  God took the initiative to rescue us while we were ‘dead in our transgressions’ (Eph. 2:4-5).

Step Two: Based Upon What God Has Done For Us Through Jesus Christ Our Daily Walk Should Change (Ephesians 4:1-6:9).  Now that we know what God has done for us we begin to walk in a way that reflects our gratitude for what He has done.  We begin imitating God Himself (Ephesians 5:1).

Step Three: Based Upon What God Has Done For Us Through Jesus Christ, As We Imitate Him, We Put On The Armor He Has Given Us, Standing Confidently To Defend Ourselves Against Satan’s Forces, Praying That His Will Be Done (Epheisnas 6:10-24).  The armor is for our protection as we stand our ground praying and petitioning God for the saints and for those carrying the good news about what God has done for the lost (Ephesians 6:8-20).

These three points by Paul give us a working plan for learning to live in faith.  If your faith is weak in times of struggle, Paul encourages us to sit down at the feet of the cross to begin to grasp the love that God has for you and what He did for you so that he could save you while you were still steeped in the things of this world.  Learn to walk-the-walk, not just talk-the-talk as you follow Him and strive daily to imitate the one who laid it all down for you.  Finally, depend upon the tools He has given you to stand your ground and to defend yourself against Satan himself and pray, pray, pray, that God’s will shall be done to strengthen the saints and to further the great news to the rest of the world so that they, too, can see what God has done for them.

Starting on June 3 I will be teaching a class on Ephesians on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. at the Twin Oaks Christian Church, 22333 King Road, Woodhaven, MI.  I hope you will join me as we study Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus with an emphasis upon applying His word to our lives as we live them out each day.  Taking it a step further, the book of Ephesians challenges churches as well as we come together to celebrate what God has done for us through Jesus Christ, how He wants us to walk each day and how He equips us to stand our ground and let Him fight our battles for us.

A great book for further study is Watchman Nee’s book, Sit, Walk, Stand.